"Harsh Realm" premieres on Friday, November 5, 1999 at 9pm EST!!!

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harsh realm glossary-----------------------------------------------------------

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get in the realm.

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a o
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Paquette, Andrew
co-creator of the comic book Harsh Realm, which is unrelated to the show.

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1. a kingdom
2. a field, sphere or province.

1. the quality of being real or true.
2. something that exists in actuality and fact.
3. something that is missing from Harsh Realm?

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Vancouver's Gastown was made to look like a war zone for the opening scene(s) of the premiere. In fact, the opening scenes are supposed to take place in Sarajevo.


Harsh Realm
1. a military virtual reality training ground where things get a little out of control.
2. a comic book by James Hudnall and Andrew Paquette, which has nothing to do with the show.

Hudnall, James
co-creator of the comic book Harsh Realm, which is unrelated to the show.


virtual reality
Computer Science.
A computer simulation of a real or imaginary environment that allows the user to do operations in the simulated system while showing the effects in real time.

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PEIA is administered and designed by PEIA. The term "PEIA" and the "Paranoid Earthling Intelligence Agency" and "get in the realm." are trademarks of this organization and may not be used in any manner without prior permission. "Harsh Realm" and its paraphernalia on this site are trademarks of Twentieth Century Fox and 1013 Productions. No copyright infringement is meant.